Archive Post - 4 April 2019

Out of Team Building Ideas? 

Long gone are the days when a high salary and medical insurance where enough to keep employees happy and motivated. Companies nowadays must provide opportunities for professional and personal growth and help employees achieve work-life balance if they want to stay competitive.

Corporate events are a great way of getting the team together, seeing if there is any friction between colleagues, and help employees advance their skills.

If you want a corporate team building that goes beyond the regular weekend retreat or treasure hunt activities, then how about enrolling your employees in a sailing school?

At Champagne Sailing, we offer corporate sailing services that will turn your team building session into a fun and memorable event.


Here’s why you should consider it:

Team Building Events on a Yacht: The Benefits

Are you looking for a team challenge that will encourage cooperation, creativity, and leadership? Let us tell you why corporate selling events might be the best option.

  • Nurture Team Communication

Perhaps the main purpose of each team building activity is to improve communication between employees. If your people are able to work together and communicate effectively, then no challenge is too big for them.

And, what better way to foster communication skills than on a boat? Think about it: navigating a sail requires people to work together. Understanding the skipper’s commands and indication and communicating effectively are critical when you’re on a boat, sailing from point A to point B.

  • It Builds Trust

Team working is the foundation of a successful company. But to get there, you first need to trust the people you are working with and know that you can count on them in moments of crisis.

Sailing team building events allow participants to get to know each other by forcing them to get out of their comfort zone and take part in challenging situations.

  • Sailing Is for Everyone

It might sound surprising, but you don’t need any special skills to learn to sail. And, that could be a great thing for the people in your company that often feel left out during activities that require a lot of strength and stamina.

During our corporate sailing team building events, your employees can participate as much or as little as they wish. They could spend the day learning about boating and sailing or just relax, connect with their colleagues and managers and admire the Sydney Harbour.

Team Building & Corporate Sailing Sydney Harbour

Are you wondering how your corporate team would do in an environment that is so different than the one they are used to? Well, we will make sure that they will enjoy every second of it.

Here’s how their day will look like:

We will start the day with a safety briefing that will explain participants their role on the boat. Then, once the sailing lessons begin, each participant will be encouraged to take part in the various tasks required for navigation. Don’t worry: we will make sure that fun and relaxation are the norms and that everyone is having a blast while learning about sailing and improving their soft skills like communication, cooperation and problem-solving.

If you want to boost your employees’ competitiveness, then we also offer regatta for small and large groups. No experience is required; just the eagerness to learn and have fun.

Are you ready to take your team building events to the next level? Get in touch with us today!

Find out more about our boat hire options:
